• 12 shoes for 12 lovers

    This is a love story and a catharsis by artist and designer Sebastian Errazuriz. His way of letting go and simultaneously immortalizing the 12 love ghosts from the past.

    But instead of portraying his lovers he decided to transform them in shoes. The exhibition, held at Melissa pop-up store in Miami, ended last January, but you can enjoy it virtually in the blog 12 shoes for 12 lovers. The shoes are marvelous, but the stories around each one of them are also great. I learned that Sebastian was surprised by the police while having sex in his car with GI Jane, a colonel's daughter! And also that "The Virgin Anna" turned into a nun after losing her virginity with him.

    In several interviews, Sebastian confessed that most of these women were flattered, and some didn't realize they had such an impact in his life. Well, most of them but probably not "Ice Queen Sophie" or "Gold Digger Alison"...

    Make sure you check the artist website for more great work.
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