• How to wear a scarf

    Each time I see someone wearing a cool scarf, whether in person or on a magazine, I remember about the box full of scarves that never leaves the bottom of my closet. I get home in excitement, ready to try them out again in a stylish way (I mean, in a way that doesn't make me look like an old lady) only to quit a few minutes later. You see, no matter how hard I try I never make it work: if I tight the scarf too much it looks as I'm covering a neck injury, if I loosen it up it slides through my shoulders. In the end, I look like an old lady, and the poor scarves return to their dusty box on the bottom of my closet.

    But suddenly Hermès makes my day with its awesome Silk Knots App, dedicated to all clumsy women like me. It's free, it's easy, and it shows how to wear a scarf in dozens of different ways (with videos and step by step illustrations). Thank you Hermès: I'll finally take all my scarves out of the closet and maybe take some from my mother's closet too.

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